Thank God he should give Kalimba, because no one else looked for him to ask for a photo, because no one had met him.


Gabriela Quintanilla, a young Salvadoran who, like many others, emigrated from the country in search of new opportunities, recounted through her social networks the experience she lived after meeting a famous Mexican singer.

This is Kalimba, who came to eat at the restaurant where the Salvadoran works. She posted on her social networks that she had a pleasant surprise, she met the former member of Kabah.

“Today I met Kalimba, he came to the restaurant where I work and because he is famous (according to my logic) I recognized him, I got excited and asked him for a photo. At first the guy didn’t even want to speak in Spanish, he would ask something and I would answer in Spanish and he kept asking in English, ”says the girl.

However, contrary to what many may think, the experience became somewhat unpleasant for her.

And it is that he discovered that later Kalimba would have expressed through his networks that a disappointment had happened from Gabriela’s request to take a picture.

“On days like today that I am very tired, it is worth wishing that cell phones do not have cameras, so as not to take photos…” the singer questioned through his social networks.

Outraged, the girl replied: “Thank God he should give Kalimba, because no one else looked for him to ask for a photo, because no one had met him.”

As was logical, Gabriela was very upset that the artist did not realize the admiration of a fan on the networks and acted in such an arrogant way.

Look at the Tweet:


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