Saudi is going to drop a lot of money to convince big players. Dizzying offers are coming.


Saudi Arabia has a soccer league that is not even in the top 25 in the world at all, but based on money they want to make it gradually gain notoriety and be attractive to fans, not only local, but from different parts of the world .

To achieve this they have a plan: hire world-renowned players. It could be said that the cornerstone of this plan was the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo. Now Karim Benzema is also confirmed and it seems a matter of days to confirm the arrivals of Messi, Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets.

However, Arabia is not satisfied with this and, this season, according to the program The beach barleader in sports information, this season Madrid and Barcelona will receive offers for players who seem untouchable.

“There are going to be a lot of offers. There are squads that are believed to be closed and ready-made and in the coming weeks offers will arrive for players who seem untouchable. Saudi is going to drop a lot of money to convince big players. Dizzying offers are going to arrive”, assured José Luis Sánchez, one of the most frequent collaborators of The beach bar.

For now it is not known for sure who these offers will reach, but it seems that money will not be a problem and Arabia will try to get hold of players these days that will give their league a world weight.


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