“I am in the Marisol Beauty Salon, I am here for all the ladies who want to come to fix their hair and also for the youth cut”, says the catracho”.


Photo: Social networks

The life of Honduran Herminio Juárez has taken an impressive turn after his arrival in the United States.

The native of La Unión, department of Lempira, western Honduras, is now an influencer and appears in commercials on social networks.

Recently, Herminio recorded a commercial advertising a beauty salon.

“I am in the Marisol Beauty Salon, I am here for all the ladies who want to come to fix their hair and also for the youth cut,” says the catracho.

Juárez wears a black jacket, jeans and sports shoes, totally different from that day laborer who became popular because his girlfriend was jealous of him.

A few days ago, Herminio was also seen in another video reading the gospel, after accepting Christ.



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