The player is accused of raping a girl in the bathrooms of a nightclub.



Since being told that he could not be released on bail on charges of rape, Dani Alves has remained silent and alone in his cell in a Barcelona prison.

Mayka Navarro, one of the journalists who has been following the case from the beginning, explained on Telecinco’s Ana Rosa Program that Alves is alone in his cell. And that he will have to make some decisions regarding his visits to the prison. “He has to decide whether or not he accepts that his parents go to see him, until now he did not want to see anyone, he was isolated and had a special shame that his mother saw him behind bars.”

Navarro also recounted the words that the 39-year-old player would have told his lawyer Cristóbal Martell after learning the news that he will continue to be detained. He “told him that he was prepared for everything, that he knew it was very difficult to be released. That he was calm, safe and at peace with himself, that he knew the truth of what happened in those 16 minutes in the Sutton’s private bathroom. He keeps insisting that he was consensual sex.”

Alves is accused of raping a girl in the bathrooms of a nightclub in Barcelona on December 30.

To be released, the soccer player’s lawyers argue that the victim’s “vaginal discharge” is “incompatible with forced intercourse.” On the other hand, they speak of “lack of lesions in the vaginal cavity,” as well as other signs of physical reduction. Some arguments that would not coincide with the accounts of the witnesses.


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