The Alianza press team screwed up again… this time, the white box is being heavily criticized on social networks after a photograph was published on the team’s Instagram account showing the statue of Rocky Balboa, used in Silvester Stallone’s Rocky III movie, wearing the Alliance flag on his waist.
This publication was so criticized for its “disrespect” towards the monument, that it even had to be removed from the Alianza’s social networks.
Even the Philadelphia Union reacted to the image saying: “They learned (to respect) the hard way,” referring to the 4-0 win.
“Thank you @nateharriel for taking a screenshot of this before it was deleted,” the US team completed.
For their part, many fans and journalists reacted with various types of comments on social networks. “Auch… I insist, it is not a good sign that lately there is more talk about the networks of the teams than about their performance on the pitch,” said journalist Jerry Quijada.
“I don’t understand how there are CMs that publish this (Alianza’s post) or that the communicator in charge allows or endorses this type of thing,” said Samuel Amaya.