Alianza had to hurry to leave the Santaneco stadium


Photo: Courtesy.

Club Deportivo FAS fans stoned the Alianza albos bus as it left the Óscar Quiteño stadium, in Santa Ana.

After that incident, Alianza’s manager, Édwin Abarca, indicated that the stone on the Los Albos bus in Santa Ana is already an old story.

“When we were leaving the parking lot of the Quiteño stadium, the bus attacked us with stones. Now, the question that arises is to see when this is going to stop, perhaps until there is a death. The stone they threw at us is to kill anyone,” Abarca told Diario El Salvador.

Abarca said that the Alianza delegation had to hurry to leave the Santaneco stadium, due to the security plan for that match.

“It was an important opening of the lights for a team like FAS and a couple of misfits ruined it. What happens is that it is already recurring with FAS »said the manager of the capital team.


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