This case that occurred in Germany has gone around the world


Photo: Courtesy.

An apparently overweight rat was trapped in a sewer, as half of its body was exposed to the street and the other half was unable to get out. This case that occurred in Germany has gone around the world and has gone viral.

Although it seems like a cartoon story, this happened in a parking lot in Bensheim, in that country. Because the rodent was stuck in a strainer due to its size and weight, the little animal was caught stressed by such a situation.

Although the actor in this story was only looking to get out of a sewer to continue on his way with the rest of the herd, the only thing he found is that his belly did not go through the hole. So the firefighters came to the scene to rescue him.

According to the media in that country, this unusual rescue had eight firefighters, some of whom applauded the action, but other Internet users criticized them, arguing that it was an unnecessary waste of resources.


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