37 unique gothic names for your baby or pet

Nowadays, choosing the name of your baby or your pet is no longer such a conventional task as it once was. Instead of playing it safe, you can make things interesting and give them a name that will be memorable, catchy, and have deeper meaning. Some of the best gothic names will make this possible as they are mysterious, beautiful and sophisticated all at the same time.

Below you will find a list of the best gothic names for girls, boys and your pets. Enjoy!

The Best Gothic Names for Girls

Gothic names for girls

1. Asya

If you want a dark and creepy name for your baby girl, this one will fit the bill perfectly. In Swahili, this name translates to being born in a moment of mourning. So you can use it if your baby was actually born at such a time or if it just feels good to you otherwise. Either way, your baby will have a unique name that everyone will remember.

2. Belinda

You might be surprised to find this name on the list. After all, it comes from the Italian word beautifulmeaning beautiful. However, it also has a different origin to consider.

Namely, this name has origins in Old High German, where the name betlinde supposed shiny snake. So, the combination of these two meanings gives you one of the most complex gothic names for girls. It is a good name for someone who is exceptionally handsome but also smart, cunning and dangerous.

3. Endora

If you’re looking for a name that has romantic undertones and isn’t as dark, Endora is a great choice. It comes from the Bible, where a witch wore it. (1 Samuel 28)

4. Ianira

Ianira is a first name from Greek mythology, meaning enchantress. It looks rich and charming, and it will be a perfect choice for your own little gothic goddess.


Sonically, Kali might seem like one of the sweetest and lightest names on this list. However, its meaning is anything but. Kali means black, and it is an old Sanskrit name. In fact, it is the name of the Hindu goddess of destruction.

6. Lethia

Lethia is another name whose origins date back to Greek and ancient Greek mythology. It means sweet oversightbut it will be memorable like no other name.

7. Lilith

Lilith is, like Kali, a name that sounds rather sweet but is anything but. It comes from the Akkadian word lilituwhich means one of the night. In mythology, the lady with this name is often a vampire and always a champion of feminism and protector of other women.

8. Morrigan

Morrigan means ghost queen and comes from Ireland. In Irish tradition, anyone with this name represents death, destruction, fate and victory in battle. It is a name for an independent and strong little girl who should not be bothered.

9. Ostara

This name comes from a pagan festival which celebrates the vernal equinox. So if your baby girl is Aries and you need a spooky and beautiful name for her, look no further.

10. Wanette

Wanette is one of the most common gothic names, and it means the pale. It’s reminiscent of vampires and those long hours just before dawn, yet still sophisticated and pretty.

11. Xylia

If you love nature and enjoy spending time there, giving your baby girl this name is a great way to show your devotion. Xylia means of the forestand it comes from ancient Greek.

The Best Gothic Names for Boys

Gothic names for boys

12. Athan

This name is quite similar to more common names such as Ethan or Ithan, but has a darker feel to it. It means immortaland it’s a perfect choice if you want something deep, powerful and mysterious, but still simple.

13. Azrael

Azrael means angel of God in Hebrew. However, as close as this angel was to God, he was also the angel of death. So this name is a perfect combination of dark and light.

14. Heather

If you want a short and sweet name for your baby boy that is still a bit gothic, this is the one for you. Briar is an Old English word for spikedand it will suit most surnames perfectly.

15. Cardoon

Carden is the perfect gothic name because it sounds dark and mysterious, but it also represents longevity, determination, and strength. It comes from Norman French and means thistleit is therefore also linked to nature.

16. Davorin

Davorin is a name that sounds majestic, dangerous and sophisticated. Its meaning confirms all this. In Slavic mythology, it is the name of the god of war, one of the most powerful and feared deities.


This name was popularized by Harry Potter books and movies, as one of the main antagonists, Harry’s nemesis, wears it. The name means dragonbut it’s also reminiscent of Dracula, which is creepy enough on its own.

18. Hades

Honestly, it doesn’t get any more gothic than that. Hades is the god of the underworld in Greek mythology, the most feared and mysterious deity. However, in many myths he actually gave, just and even sweet. So, this name is a perfect choice for a baby boy who will seem sullen and cold but be a sweetheart underneath.

19. Ingram

Ravens are among the greatest symbols and motifs in Gothic literature, so this name will be a perfect fit. Ingram means son of the raven, and it comes from German. Ravens are known as beings of the night able to move between two worlds and communicate with them. It doesn’t get much darker than that.

However, crows are also rather intelligent beings that represent art and deep thinking. So, this name is a perfect choice for a future artist.

20. Kiran

Kyran is an old Irish name meaning black. The name is an obvious choice for a gothic little prince, and it sounds modern enough for you to use today.

21. Lucian

Lucian is, like Lucifer, derived from the Latin luxwhich means light. However, Lucien does not have the negative connotation of the other name, so you can use it freely, as both names mean Light bearer.

22. Osiris

This name sounds both spooky and regal, and it’s easy to see why if you look at its origin. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris is the god of the dead, and he is both feared and highly respected.

23. Onix

This name is one of the most popular gothic names for baby boys. This is the name of the black gemstone, which is believed to be a stone that absorbs all the negative energy around it. Word onyx comes from ancient Greek, where it meant claw. So either way, Onyx is a great choice.

24. Salem

Salem is a great name which means peaceful in Hebrew. However, the word Salem is much more popular due to the town in Massachusetts where the infamous witch trials took place.

So, if you want a witch name that will immediately leave a strong impression, Salem is the way to go. One thing is certain: your baby will be remembered.

25. Thanatos

In Greek mythology, Thanatos is the god who collects the dead and brings them to the entrance to the Underworld. So if you are looking for a rarely heard name that will make your baby royal and important, this is the one for you.

26. Zagan

Zagan is a name that evokes feelings of danger and fear. He is one of the fallen angels, and he has two forms. First, he appears as a bull with griffin wings, but he can also appear as a man. If you want your baby boy to have a menacing name that will be memorable, Zagan is a great choice.

The Best Gothic Pet Names

Gothic Pet Names

27. Fang

Fang is a great name for a dog because it’s short and catchy but sounds fierce. No matter how cute your pup is, this name will make him look like a real menace.


Buffy instantly reminds people of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer show, and it’s a cute name for any type of pet. However, it might be better suited for a cat or maybe a dog. Either way, it’s a great gothic name for your favorite furry friend.

29. Morticia

Morticia is a name you know and love from the Addams Family franchise, and it’s perfect for a little black kitten. The name sounds regal and classy, ​​making it a great choice for the most sophisticated of all living creatures.

30. Spike

Another buffy-inspired name, Spike is an interesting and fun choice for a dog, although it could also be suitable for a hamster or even a parrot. If you’re feeling humorous, you can even give your cat this name.

In the TV show buffySpike is one of the villains, but he’s a central and interesting character nonetheless.

31. Hellhound

According to folklore, Hellhound is a demonic dog with supernatural powers. The best thing you can do is give this name to the smallest and sweetest puppy ever. The irony will be fun for everyone, and you can shorten the name to Helly when you’re feeling particularly in love.

32. Hecate

Hecate is the perfect name for a cat. It comes from Greek mythology, where Hecate was the goddess of witchcraft and had power over sea, sky and earth. She resided in the underworld and people both feared her unpredictable nature and respected her immense power.


Casper is a cute little name for a puppy or rabbit. It’s the name of everyone’s favorite friendly ghost, so it will be ideal for an excited and happy pet that you can’t help but love.

34. Minerva

Famous Professor Minerva McGonagall of Harry Potter can transform into a cat, and everyone can recognize her by the glasses she keeps and her rigid, regal posture. Minerva is also the Roman goddess of arts and war, which makes this name really perfect for your little feline friend.


Oracle can work as a big name for dogs and cats. According to mythology, oracles have the ability to see into the future and predict disasters.

36. Morgana

Morgana is a powerful enchantress on the TV show Merlin, where she is always on the line between good and evil. A character in the League of Legends game is also called Morgana. She is a soul siphon and she inflicts her wrath on those who are dishonest and corrupt.

This name is therefore ideal for a gothic pet, especially for a cat.

37. Banshee

A Banshee is a supernatural being whose screams predict the death of a loved one or whoever hears them. These creatures are very feared due to their power, so naming your cat or dog Banshee will make them extremely dangerous and threatening. Banshee is one of the most popular gothic names for pets.

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